Colorectal cancer awareness is a crucial initiative aimed at promoting early detection, prevention, and support for those affected by this prevalent and often preventable disease.
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Colorectal cancer research is a beacon of hope in the quest for better prevention, treatment, and ultimately, a cure for this formidable disease.
Colorectal cancer prevention is a cornerstone of public health, emphasizing proactive measures to reduce the incidence and impact of this disease.
Hope starts here
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Some words about Henry
Why I Participate
My Pelotonia is…
You cannot wait for trials to come and pass, the leaves to change colors, or the rain to stop pouring to be happy. You have an obligation to yourself to CHOOSE to be happy TODAY!” - Henry McCann, Instagram Post from 6/19/2017
My buddy, Henry, lived this quote every day. Armed with a fun-loving attitude and THE most infectious smile in the world, Henry lit up every room he walked into. And Henry could be whatever you needed him to be in that moment. For me, Henry acted as a empathetic ear when I needed to vent, a jolt of energy when I needed a pick-me-up, and an all around great friend all the time. Even as he dealt with colorectal cancer, Henry chose to be happy, because that’s who he was and that’s what he wanted.
Henry passed away peacefully in May of 2021, and it was a heartbreaking reminder of just how far we still have to go in our fight against cancer. This is why I will be riding with the Spin Doctors in Pelotonia. For the loved ones we have lost, for those that continue to fight, and for those that will fight in the future. Every penny donated will go straight to this fight against cancer and will improve outcomes for all those affected.
Here’s to 102 miles for mom, Henry, Seth, Sam, and Kelly! GO BUCKS!
I’m not much of a public speaker, so if you’ll all bear with me I’ll try not to cry or vomit while I am up here. I want to thank each and every person who showed up to support this cause. The gala is very important to my family and myself especially. For those of you who are new, my older brother Henry was diagnosed with colorectal cancer while he was in high school. After many rounds of chemotherapy and radiation treatment he fought his cancer to a draw and died on May 29th, 2021 just five days before his 26th birthday. Before Henry neither me or my family or the community around us were very active in activism against colorectal cancer. And that was until my mom met Carleen Taylor. Carleen started the Race For Hope about 20 years ago to support her friend Peggy, and continued her fight when her young son Connor was diagnosed and died at the age of 23. Our story and stories of the many others are not uncommon. Today's public and the health care systems are scarily misinformed about colorectal cancer. It is not an old person’s disease. The American Cancer Society reports that 20% of the diagnoses in 2019 were people under the age of 55, and around that time the average age to get a colonoscopy was 55. I, in my 20’s, have already had a colonoscopy and am planning another one. So, it is very, very important to ask questions, to advocate for yourself, and to get checked out. Me, my family, and the people around us and the people we’ve lost would want you to do that for yourself. Henry was one of the most impactful and inspiring people I have ever met. But his fight is over, now it is our turn. We have to hold the standard, we have to speak out, we have to fight colorectal cancer. Now I am the last speaker so please everybody go get drinks, buy raffle tickets, support this cause and enjoy yourselves. That is the way Henry would have wanted it.
"I have this day dream of when I first see you again. Sometimes it's on a beach, sometimes in the clouds or on a field. Sometimes there is even a soundtrack. No matter the setting, I'll run and hug you! You'll make a snarky joke about how you've never seen me actually run. You'll ask me if I want to pass and we'll spend days going back and forth. We will have eternity to catch up!
Until then I'll spend today and every other day thankful for the memories shared and time spent. I'll continue to see you in every book and song, in every sunset in Gabe's humor, in Livy's smile, and in every sign you send.
I love you to heaven and back! Rest in least until I get there!
Your little sister"